In a heart beat, I replied: "Do what you love and success will follow. BUT, that's not all there is to it, as a wise man once said: 'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.'

For the next few days, I did my research a
nd made a list of habits of highly successful individuals for her to emulate.
1. Get up early … breathe. (Note for daughter: Initially, set an alarm at 6:15. Get out of bed and go to brush your teeth, wash your face with cold water and brush your hair, change out of your pyjamas. This routine will help get rid of the drowsiness of sleep. Drink a warm cup of water or tea.)
2. Use the quiet time in the morning:
- do some warm-up exercises, such as stretching, yoga. (Get a yoga mat out and do 15 minutes of yoga or stretches to get your blood circulation going)
- now that you are fully awake, sit in a half-lotus position and meditate for about 15 minutes. Focus your attention on the in-breath and the out-breath.
- visualise and create/repeat your mantra to generate positive thinking for the day ahead.
3. Eat a wholesome breakfast.
4. Prioritise your To-Do list. Complete the one that needed your attention the most, first!
5. Get Active. Physical exercise such as jogging, walking, running, swimming, etc.
6. Have wholesome snacks readily available for during the day (such as nuts, apples, bananas, etc).
7. De-clutter your surroundings (start of with your bedroom, study table, school bag, etc.)
8. Go to bed early (as you need proper amount of sleep)
9. Repeat Step 1.
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