Now that I am back to weighing at 50kg, I feel that life is just more enjoyable and uplifting. How did I do it? I want to share these 5 secrets with you.
1. Stick to a ROUTINE. This is VERY IMPORTANT if you want to lose weight fast without putting a strain on your health or daily responsibilities. For example, your routine may be that you want to exercise 3 times a week, stick to that.
2. Decide the type of PHYSICAL activities what work best for your body type and inclinations. For example, you may like swimming but not running, or walking but not swimming, etc.
My only advice is to choose at least one activity that involves cardio type of work out, where you get to sweat a bit.
3. Eat healthy. By this I don't mean that you can't have a cookie now and then. This is like depriving yourself of something you love ... then what is the point of living.?! I suggest that you have a balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner. This way, your mind doesn't crave for unhealthy alternative snacks all day and every day because it didn't get what it needs.
4. Make it into a HABIT. Take one step at a time.
5. Listen to your body. Take the middle path. Don't punish yourself or guilt-tripping yourself into doing something you don't want to do in your heart.
It is such a beautiful day outside. I am off for my run.
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